Providing a Schedule

The scheduling language enables users to specify and compose transformations to further optimize the code generated by TACO.

Consider the following SpMV computation and associated code, which we will transform below:

Format csr({Dense,Sparse});
Tensor<double> A("A", {512, 64}, csr);
Tensor<double> x("x", {64}, {Dense});
Tensor<double> y("y", {512}, {Dense});

IndexVar i("i"), j("j"); 
Access matrix = A(i, j);
y(i) = matrix * x(j);
IndexStmt stmt = y.getAssignment().concretize();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < A1_dimension; i++) {
    for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
        int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
        y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];

Pos Command

The pos(i, ipos, access) transformation takes in an index variable i that iterates over the coordinate space of access and replaces it with a derived index variable ipos that iterates over the same iteration range, but with respect to the the position space.

Since the pos transformation is not valid for dense level formats, for the SpMV example, the following would result in an error:

stmt = stmt.pos(i, IndexVar("ipos"), matrix);

We could instead have:

stmt = stmt.pos(j, IndexVar("jpos"), matrix);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < A1_dimension; i++) {
    for (int32_t jposA = A2_pos[i]; jposA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jposA++) {
        if (jposA < A2_pos[i] || jposA >= A2_pos[(i + 1)])

        int32_t j = A2_crd[jposA];
        y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jposA] * x_vals[j];

Fuse Command

The fuse(i, j, f) transformation takes in two index variables i and j, where j is directly nested under i, and collapses them into a fused index variable f that iterates over the product of the coordinates i and j.

fuse helps facilitate other transformations, such as iterating over the position space of several index variables, as in this SpMV example:

IndexVar f("f");
stmt = stmt.fuse(i, j, f);
stmt = stmt.pos(f, IndexVar("fpos"), matrix);
for (int32_t fposA = 0; fposA < A2_pos[A1_dimension]; fposA++) {
    if (fposA >= A2_pos[A1_dimension])

    int32_t f = A2_crd[fposA];
    while (fposA == A2_pos[(i_pos + 1)]) {
        i = i_pos;
    y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[fposA] * x_vals[f];

Split Command

The split(i, i0, i1, splitFactor) transformation splits (strip-mines) an index variable i into two nested index variables i0 and i1. The size of the inner index variable i1 is then held constant at splitFactor, which must be a positive integer.

For the SpMV example, we could have:

stmt = stmt.split(i, IndexVar("i0"), IndexVar("i1"), 16);
for (int32_t i0 = 0; i0 < ((A1_dimension + 15) / 16); i0++) {
    for (int32_t i1 = 0; i1 < 16; i1++) {
        int32_t i = i0 * 16 + i1;
        if (i >= A1_dimension)

        for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
            int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
            y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];

Precompute Command

The precompute(expr, i, iw, workspace) transformation, which is described in more detail here, leverages scratchpad memories and reorders computations to increase cache locality.

Given a subexpression expr to precompute, an index variable i to precompute over, and an index variable iw (which can be the same or different as i) to precompute with, the precomputed results are stored in the tensor variable workspace.

For the SpMV example, if rhs is the right hand side of the original statement, we could have:

TensorVar workspace("workspace", Type(Float64, {Dimension(64)}), taco::dense);
stmt = stmt.precompute(rhs, j, j, workspace);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < A1_dimension; i++) {
    double* restrict workspace = 0;
    workspace = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 64);
    for (int32_t pworkspace = 0; pworkspace < 64; pworkspace++) {
        workspace[pworkspace] = 0.0;
    for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
        int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
        workspace[j] = A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
        y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + workspace[j];

Reorder Command

The reorder(vars) transformation takes in a new ordering for a set of index variables in the expression that are directly nested in the iteration order.

For the SpMV example, we could have:

stmt = stmt.reorder({j, i});
for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[iA]; jA < A2_pos[(iA + 1)]; jA++) {
    int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < A1_dimension; i++) {
        y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];

Bound Command

The bound(i, ibound, bound, bound_type) transformation replaces an index variable i with an index variable ibound that obeys a compile-time constraint on its iteration space, incorporating knowledge about the size or structured sparsity pattern of the corresponding input. The meaning of bound depends on the bound_type.

For the SpMV example, we could have

stmt = stmt.bound(i, IndexVar("ibound"), 100, BoundType::MaxExact); 
for (int32_t ibound = 0; ibound < 100; ibound++) {
    for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[ibound]; jA < A2_pos[(ibound + 1)]; jA++) {
        int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
        y_vals[ibound] = y_vals[ibound] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];

Unroll Command

The unroll(i, unrollFactor) transformation unrolls the loop corresponding to an index variable i by unrollFactor number of iterations, where unrollFactor is a positive integer.

For the SpMV example, we could have

stmt = stmt.split(i, i0, i1, 32);
stmt = stmt.unroll(i0, 4);
if ((((A1_dimension + 31) / 32) * 32 + 32) + (((A1_dimension + 31) / 32) * 32 + 32) >= A1_dimension) {
    for (int32_t i0 = 0; i0 < ((A1_dimension + 31) / 32); i0++) {
        for (int32_t i1 = 0; i1 < 32; i1++) {
            int32_t i = i0 * 32 + i1;
            if (i >= A1_dimension)

            for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
                int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
                y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];
else {
    #pragma unroll 4
    for (int32_t i0 = 0; i0 < ((A1_dimension + 31) / 32); i0++) {
        for (int32_t i1 = 0; i1 < 32; i1++) {
            int32_t i = i0 * 32 + i1;
            for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
                int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
                y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];

Parallelize Command

The parallelize(i, parallel_unit, output_race_strategy) transformation tags an index variable i for parallel execution on hardware type parallel_unit. Data races are handled by an output_race_strategy. Since the other transformations expect serial code, parallelize must come last in a series of transformations.

For the SpMV example, we could have

stmt = stmt.parallelize(i, ParallelUnit::CPUThread, OutputRaceStrategy::NoRaces);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < A1_dimension; i++) {
    for (int32_t jA = A2_pos[i]; jA < A2_pos[(i + 1)]; jA++) {
        int32_t j = A2_crd[jA];
        y_vals[i] = y_vals[i] + A_vals[jA] * x_vals[j];