Defining Tensors
Declaring Tensors
objects, which correspond to mathematical tensors, form the core
of the TACO C++ API. You can declare a new tensor by specifying its name, a
vector containing the size of each dimension of the tensor, and the storage
format that will be used to store the
// Declare a new tensor "A" of double-precision floats with dimensions
// 512 x 64 x 2048, stored as a dense-sparse-sparse tensor
Tensor<double> A("A", {512,64,2048}, Format({Dense,Sparse,Sparse}));
The name of the tensor can be omitted, in which case TACO will assign an arbitrary name to the tensor:
// Declare another tensor with the same dimensions and storage format as before
Tensor<double> A({512,64,2048}, Format({Dense,Sparse,Sparse}));
Scalars, which are treated as order-0 tensors, can be declared and initialized with some arbitrary value as demonstrated below:
Tensor<double> alpha(42.0); // Declare a scalar tensor initialized to 42.0
Defining Tensor Formats
Conceptually, you can think of a tensor as a tree with each level (excluding the root) corresponding to a dimension of the tensor. Each path from the root to a leaf node represents a tensor coordinate and its corresponding value. Which dimension each level of the tree corresponds to is determined by the order in which dimensions of the tensor are stored.
TACO uses a novel scheme that can describe different storage formats for any tensor by specifying the order in which tensor dimensions are stored and whether each dimension is sparse or dense. A sparse dimension stores only the subset of the dimension that contains non-zero values and is conceptually similar to the index arrays used in the compressed sparse row (CSR) matrix format, while a dense dimension stores both zeros and non-zeros. As demonstrated below, this scheme is flexibile enough to express many commonly-used matrix storage formats.
You can define a new tensor storage format by creating a taco::Format
The constructor for taco::Format
takes as arguments a vector specifying the
type of each dimension and (optionally) a vector specifying the order in which
dimensions are to be stored, following the above scheme:
Format dm({Dense,Dense}); // (Row-major) dense matrix
Format csr({Dense,Sparse}); // Compressed sparse row matrix
Format csc({Dense,Sparse}, {1,0}); // Compressed sparse column matrix
Format dcsr({Sparse,Sparse}, {1,0}); // Doubly compressed sparse column matrix
Alternatively, you can define a tensor format that contains only sparse or dense dimensions as follows:
Format csf(Sparse); // Compressed sparse fiber tensor
Initializing Tensors
You can initialize a taco::Tensor
by calling the insert
method to add a
non-zero component to the tensor. The insert
method takes two arguments, a
vector specifying the coordinate of the non-zero component to be added and the
value to be inserted at that coordinate:
A.insert({128,32,1024}, 42.0); // A(128,32,1024) = 42.0
The insert
method adds the inserted non-zeros to a temporary buffer. Before a
tensor can actually be used in a computation though, you must invoke the pack
method to compress the tensor into the storage format that was specified when
the tensor was first declared:
A.pack(); // Construct dense-sparse-sparse tensor containing inserted non-zeros
Loading Tensors from File
Rather than manually invoking insert
and pack
to initialize a tensor, you
can load tensors directly from file by calling taco::read
as demonstrated
// Load a dense-sparse-sparse tensor from file A.tns
A = read("A.tns", Format({Dense, Sparse, Sparse}));
By default, taco::read
returns a packed tensor. You can optionally pass a
Boolean flag as an argument to indicate whether the returned tensor should be
packed or not:
// Load an unpacked tensor from file A.tns
A = read("A.tns", Format({Dense, Sparse, Sparse}), false);
Currently, TACO supports loading from the following matrix and tensor file formats:
Writing Tensors to File
You can also write a (packed) tensor directly to file by calling taco::write
as demonstrated below:
write("A.tns", A); // Write tensor A to file A.tns
supports the same set of matrix and tensor file formats as